Saturday, July 23, 2011

Through the Looking Glass

It's often said our children are our mirrors.  I really didn't notice it as much as I do now that they are older.  What's more intriguing about it is that each of my daughters mirrors a different part of my personality.  Instead of looking through one mirror, it's like standing in a dressing room where you have mirrors that show all angels of you; plus you are standing naked in front of the mirrors.  YIKES!!!  There's a roll, a wrinkle, a stretch mark, a mole...Double YIKES!!!  Was I really an emotional15 year old?  Was I really an headstrong 18 year old who wanted so badly to leave my family and home?  While looking in the mirror, we have an invitation to step through the mirror as Alice did to enter into a world of white rabbits in coats, chesser cats, mad hatters drinking tea and queens play croquet.  The journey can stir up fear and confusion, healing and forgiveness...and most of all love for ourselves, families and especially our children.  There's a statue to honor Lewis Carroll.  The image of Alice entering the looking glass (the mirror) is haunting to me.  However, I have to start at the beginning of my journey with Alice. 

When I was pregnant with my youngest daughter, we decided after much talk that her name would be Allison.  We announced the news to her soon to be big sister that she would have a new little sister named Allison.  Her big  blue eyes opened wide and with excitement she asked "Alice in Wonderland?"  Thus began the journey with Alice.  Through out the years Alice has been part of our journey.  It wasn't until recently with my dreams resembling Alice's journey that I began to put the pieces together.  I haven't read Through the Looking Glass, but I believe it's time to explore the wisdom and magic of the book.  I've read many quotes from it and each one is filled with much wisdom.  Here's a link with a few Lewis Carroll Quotes . 

For me, this journey is part of my spiritual journey as well.  One can only enter into this journey through the mirror prayerfully with Christ as the light to illumine the path.  I open my heart and prayerfully step through the mirror as my spiritual director prayerfully bares witness to the journey. Where is God and Jesus in this journey?   Is this an opportunity for me to "do it differently" and heal the past?  "O God, your word is a latern to my feet and a light unto my path."  Weavings 

"Alice laughed. 'There's no use trying,' she said. 'One can't believe impossible things.'

I daresay you haven't had much practice,' said the Queen. 'When I was your age, I always did it for half-an-hour a day. Why, sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast. There goes the shawl again!"
Lewis Carroll

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